Backward compatibility: deploying without downtime
VilniusPHP 0x38
What's Backward compatibility?!
BC context
Libraries, semantic versioning (v2.3.13)
Libraries, semantic versioning (v2.3.13)
APIs (/rest/v1/resources)
APIs (/rest/v1/resources)
Code and database, cache, etc
I'll be talking about...
- Deploying
- Common pitfalls
- Cache pitfalls
- Database pitfalls
- In 2016 - over a million transfers
- Many systems with critical infrastructure
- Customers all over the world
- Lots of requests each second
- Over 25 programmers (and counting)
- Lots of deployments each day
- Parse file from xml
- Save into cache (APCu, Memcached, etc)
- Use in PHP
- Example - Doctrine config, routing, etc.
Cache: summary
- Resetting cache is risky
- Use prefixes for each release
- Warm up cache before switching release if possible
- APCu - problematic
- We have transfers with money field
- Format: "100 EUR"
- We want to make several columns: 100, EUR
First: prepare
- Add new columns, do not remove old ones
- Always insert both old and new values (handle rollback)
- Support both new and old columns - this will be needed later
Second: migrate to new functionality
- Make old column nullable
- Migrate data from old to new columns
- Only use new columns in code
- We can rollback as new columns are handled by previous release
Third: cleanup!
- Remove old column
- Make new columns not nullable
- Race conditions sucks!
- Think about deployments
- Think about rollbacks